Configuring QWorld As Your Home PageConfiguring Netscape: Mac - Windows

Setting up QWorld as your home page with Netscape:

1) Open Netscape.

2) In Netscape, go to the OPTIONS menu and select GENERAL PREFERENCES.

3) Click on the APPEARANCE tab.

4) Under BROWSER STARTS WITH, select HOME PAGE LOCATION and enter QWorld's URL (

5) Click on APPLY, then OK.

6) Remember to save these options by going to the OPTIONS menu and selecting SAVE OPTIONS.

Setting up Netscape to use Global Chat: Macintosh

1) Open Netscape.

2) In Netscape, go to the OPTIONS menu and select GENERAL PREFERENCES.

3) Click on the HELPERS tab.

4) Select the Application/x-chat Mime Type.

5) Click on the BROWSE button and locate your copy of Global Chat.

6) Click on File Type and select Chat.

6) Be sure to select LAUNCH APPLICATION, which enables automatic launching of Global Chat when entering an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) server.

8) Click on APPLY then OK.

8) Remember to save these options by going to the OPTIONS menu and selecting SAVE OPTIONS.

Setting up Netscape to use Global Chat: Windows

1) After downloading the free Global Chat software, you will need to configure it for use with your web browser.

2) The first time you click on a chat link on one of our sites, the browser will ask you to configure a helper application (Mosaic will say "Configure Helper," Netscape says "Configure Viewer"). Enter the name of the file where you copied the Global Chat executable. If you don't remember the file name, choose Browse and look in the location where you installed Global Chat. Select the file. Now hit return or press the ok button. (You should have to perform this step only the first time after installing the program).

3) You can also configure Global Chat prior to clicking on a chat link by setting the Helper application preferences in your Netscape browser. You want to make a new type of helper application. The MIME type is "application" and the sub-type is "x-chat" and then you simply type in the name of the executable file or click on Browse to locate the required file. After that, Global Chat is ready to use.

***Please note that not all Web browsers offer the capability to launch helper applications. The following does not support this feature:

Netcom Netcruiser Web browser

4) At this point the Global Chat application should start to appear. It will prompt you to enter both your real name (first and last) and a nickname that you use in the chat. The nickname is like a "handle" in CB radio and is how other people in the chatwill know you. The nickname must be alphanumeric and can contain up to 9 letters and numbers (you may use a few special characters such as _ , but most special characters are not allowed). There is no way to verify your identity, and you may either use your real name or a fictitious name, as you wish. The application will remember your "real name" and nickname for future use.

5) Now your software is configured and the Global Chat application will start to connect to the chat server. Within seconds you should be connected to the server and joined to the channel.

Configuring Netscape Global Chat Setup Using Global Chat Using The Message Boards

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