please copy/paste the application below into an email and send it to
if you are interested in hosting in #GenHaven. We appreciate
your participation in QWorld, and want this to be truly a community effort!
We are a team, and are working together to be a family here.
All information is necessary: incomplete applications may not be considered. Your responses will be kept confidential. Please feel free to take as much space as needed to answer any of the questions.
********************* Cut Here**********************
QWorld Hosting Application
Real Name:
Nick/Screen name(s) used in QWorld:
IP (email) Address:
Street Address:
City, State, Country:
Phone Number:
Date of birth:
Time zone you live in (if outside US/Canada use GMT+/- hours):
How long have you been using the Internet and the Web?
Do you frequent IRC's regularly?
Are you familiar with the commercial online services?
If yes, please list which ones, to what extent, and
all screen names/id's used on those services.
Have you ever hosted on a commercial online service?
If yes, please state where, when, describe your hosting duties,
and the type of forum you hosted in.
How much time do you have weekly for working in QWorld?
Are you available nights and weekends?
Are there any nights you are not available on a regular basis?
Please describe your level of computer expertise:
Are you familiar with the following? Please answer yes or no.
Sending/Receiving email:
Cutting and Pasting:
Macro Programs:
Posting on a message board/Newsgroup:
Where to find help and general information on the Web:
What areas on the Web/Internet do you frequent or, do you use the
Web/Internet primarily for work, recreation, research?:
Why do you want to be a chat host in QWorld?
What do you think you can bring to QWorld?
Tell us a little about yourself such as interests, hobbies, work,
school, community activities, special expertise, honors, awards, etc...:
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